Public Service Events
Contact Kevin to Volunteer

Dirty Kiln
The “Dirty Kiln Trail Races at Canoe Creek State Park” brought to you by Allegheny Trailrunners, Inc. Canoe Creek State Park was chosen by the PA Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources as one of “Twenty Must-See Pennsylvania State Parks” for its industrial history, wildlife and recreation. Trail runners will have a choice to run the 10K course up Moore’s Hill and around Canoe Creek Lake or the half-marathon course around the park a second time but on a more hilly and challenging half-marathon course! Both courses have a lot of variety of trails from horse paths, winding singletrack, stream crossings and mud… lots of mud. more information.

Ironstone 100K
Ironstone 100K is a savage point-to-point 100 kilometer ultramarathon on the Alleghenies wildest trails. Amazing in its terrain and rich in heritage, the ultramarathon starts at Canoe Creek State Park in Blair County and utilizes the Standing Stone, Mid State, and Lower Trails before ending in Greenwood Furnace State Park in Huntingdon County. With its unforgiving technical terrain, it will be one of the most challenging ultras in the region, on par with races like Eastern States 100, Black Forest 100K and Worlds End Ultramarathon. The race begins at 2pm in Canoe Creek State Park and soon travels along the Frankstown Branch of the Juniata River on the Lower Trail - a fast and flat section of rail trail. More Info

Rockin' the Knob
Please join us in providing safety, health and welfare radio support for the ATR Rock'n the Knob event. I am looking for 12 volunteers for this years event. We have added a additional position of shadowing the park ranger this year. We may also be looking for someone able to trailer a 4 wheeler for the event. This event is open to all amateur radio operators weather new or experienced. New operators will be co-located with an experienced ham. Also see the offical event web site for more information.